Sasi Domácí štěstí - info:
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longhair chihuahua born 21.05.2020
brood bitch
I.generation | II.generation | III.generation |
Nuky Novopacký klenot
National winner, 5x CAC, 3x Res.CAC, Res.CACIB
Tip Ťapka
Small is Beautiful´s Lazyhazycrazy
cream, longhair
21 cm, 0000030 0000000
Club JuniorChampion D, 2x Res. CAC, 2x CAC |
Misty Meadow´s Tuff Enuff
Small is Beautiful´s I Feel Pretty
MAYA Dog-Lome
Tip Ťapka
blonde, mixed, longhair
17 cm, A 00000 00 00000
2x CAJC, Regional Winner
Deniska Dog-Lome
black with tan, smooth
20 cm, A 00000 01 0000
Res.CAC |
Imary Novopacký klenot
JACK of Hearts Gold Saffron
gold, mask, signs
22.0 cm
Res.CAC, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Cruft´s nomination 2018
Sibirskiy Brend Paradise for Soul
longhair, cream with white 20 cm Champion CZ, JuniorChampion CZ, Club JuniorChampion
3x CACIB, 5x BOB, Club winner, National winner, CAC ČMKU, Res.CAC, BOS, BOJ, CAJC
Olívíe Aqarella Bohemica
blue-fawn, longhair 22 cm JuniorChampion CZ, Club JuniorChampion, BOJ, Junior Club winner, Res.CAC |
Lara Novopacký klenot
Cheyenne´s Fairytail Flinstone
Klubový Champion CZ
Club Champion CZ
gold, longhair
19.0 cm, A 000 000 0000 00
CAJC, Res.CAC, CAC, Res.CACIB, CACIB, BOB, Winner of
Dejna Křišťálové oko
longhair Excellent |